Go to portal.azure.com and select the Azure Active Directory service followed by Enterprise applications
Create a new enterprise app, name it
amberSearch - Enterprise Application
- Set up Single Sign On. Go to the Single sign-on and then select Saml
Identifier (Entity ID)
andReply URL (Assertion Consumer Service URL)
. These values are provided separately by the amberSearch Team. -
Depending on the existing attributes/claims new claims might be needed after consultation with the amberSearch Team. In case of a hybrid setup, where local Active Directory is synchronized with Azure Active Directory add the following claims.
Edit the Attributes & Claims area
Add new claims
Name: http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2005/05/identity/claims/distinguishedname and Source attribute user.onpremisesdistinguishedname
Name: http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2005/05/identity/claims/sid and Source attribute user.onpremisesecurityidentifier
- Save
- Go to Properties und set Assignment required to No
- Create an account for testing purposes, e.g ambersearch@customername.com It will be used for verifying the correctness and maintaining the SSO flow. The credentials of this account should be provided to amberSearch Team.
If you need assistance please reach out to us via IT@ambersearch.de
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