In the online demo for an intelligent search engine, we will unfortunately never be able to show the added value that we achieve in real use. Nevertheless, we do our best to bring you as close as possible to the real experience.
Below we have listed the known limitations:
1. Access rights
In the demo:
In the online demo we cannot simulate different access rights. This means that your access will not change over time and we cannot give you access to more or less.
In real use:
In real use, we simply take the access rights from your authentication system. As soon as you change your position, our software will synchronise this and you will see the information according to your new access rights.
2. Documents not all known
In the demo:
We are aware that not all documents in our demo data set are known to you and therefore it may be difficult for you to evaluate the quality of the results. The aim of the online demo was primarily to familiarise yourself with the look'n'feel of amberSearch and to get a feel for the way amberSearch thinks. However, we have tried to generate such a broad data set that you should find something on every topic.
In real life:
In your company, you will of course be familiar with much more content - although certainly not all of it. Therefore, it will be much easier for you to evaluate and work through the results in a real-life setting.
3. Updating documents
In the demo
In our demo account, the data set is very static. Therefore, there will not be many changes and you will also only be able to test the time filter to a very limited extent.
In real use:
In a real deployment, the dataset changes daily. Our software always has the daily updated information for you and helps you to always work on the most current information.
4. The forwarding to the target application does not work
In the demo
All data sources integrated in our online demo are password protected and are pure test/demo tenants. You can click on the files, but you will only get to the log-in screen of the respective data source or an access denied message will be displayed. Unfortunately, for security reasons we cannot give you the passwords to the underlying demo accounts.
In real use
Our goal is for you to use amberSearch to quickly and efficiently jump to the target data source. Our focus is on a great UX that integrates seamlessly into your daily work. Read the following two articles or GIFs on our help page to learn how to get from amberSearch to the target data source:
Open Office documents directly in the respective desktop applications
Forward to the target system
5. Restricted data set
In the demo
In the online demo, the data set is manageable and will not approach the size of a real data set. This is also difficult to map in an online demo, although we did our best and uploaded several tens of thousands of documents. Nevertheless, our system also works "at scale", as we were able to prove at RAG with several terabytes.
In real use
amberSearch is live at various clients and the average search time is less than 2 seconds. This means that we can guarantee fast results even when searching several terabytes.
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